Each set of hairtalk extensions will last 8-10 weeks.
They can be used 2-3 times, giving you up to 8 months of wear.
Consultations: $50
Your consultation will also include a blowout.
Full head: $250+cost of hair
This service usually requires 2-3 packs of original bands and 2 packs of petite bands.
Half head: $150+cost of hair
This service can be used for added fullness and will usually require 1-2 packs of original bands and/or 1 pack of petite and/or mini bands.
Face framing highlights|accent colors: $125+cost of hair
Add lightness and dimension around the face without bleach.
Fashion accent colors are also available in remy and synthetic hair.
(very low heat is suggested for synthetic hair.)
Re-tab:$200 full head|$100 half head
removal of extensions, apply new adhesive to the bands and reapply.
Removal only: $80
Types of extensions:
Original bands
Original bands plus*These bands are designed to look and feel as if they are growing from the scalp. These are ideal for the temple/crown area and hair that is fine/thinning.*
Petite bands
Petite bands plus*
Mini strands:These are ideal for clients who wear their hair up, have extra fine hair or want instant color effects.
Hairbands: Adds volume and maximizes length for a full head of extentions in less than 5 minutes. 100% remy human hair
Must be requested prior to trial or wedding date to be cut colored or used. Theirs a $35 installation fee.
We recommend Bellami extensions!